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Friday, July 23, 2010

The High Atlas

Marrakech (Morocco)
14 - 15 JUL

I remember as a kid, sitting in my mum's family house in Belgrade and there being one specific conversation relating to African geography. In particular there was discussion that mentioned a mountain range called the Atlas, some far flung place in a corner of Africa that I knew nothing about other than the fact that it occasionally snowed there, well, so it was mentioned in that discussion.

For years the Atlas mountains had always been a type of mystical place that I'd always wanted to see, for no particular reason other than the fact that it had remained in my consciousness for so long...and the fact that it either may or may not snow on the mountain range, that was something that was yet to be determined. Oh, and by the way, this was still my thinking even prior to the time that internet searches could have resolved my curiosity within 5 seconds.

A couple of years ago I sat on the terrace of Cafe de France, watched the sun set over Djema El Fna during the call to prayer and marvelled at the Atlas mountains which provided a stunning backdrop to a city full of mystique, on that is completely chaotic, vibrant and attacks all your senses at once. I watched the sun settle behind this mountain range and whilst their darkened outlined peaks stared at me from about 30kms away they still did their darndest to hide their secrets from me. I promised myself that time that if I ever had the opportunity to make my way back here again that I'd go on a little journey and find out what they had hidden from me for so long.

With the assistance of the owner of Riad Boussa, Brigitte, we were able to organise a day trip to the High Atlas on the 15th of July. For this day however, the day after Marrakech did a 'hit and run' on our senses, we stepped out into the scorching Marrakechi alleyways and went wondering through the medina of the old town. Just to qualify, when I say 'scorching', we were advised by the owner of the riad that two days prior to arriving in Marrakech the square of Djema El Fna had a recorded temperature of somewhere a little over 50 degrees. Nice and balmy for your average Australian tourists hey!? On this day however we only breached the 40 degree mark, so really, how bad was it going to be wondering the main square and through the markets that was teaming with pedestrian traffic and had absolutely no ventilation?

Our bravdo lasted a couple of hours, driven by the 'female component' of our party running on that 'bargain hunting' endorphin high, and I guess it's true, if you want to get a cheap deal on 'something' then the Marrakechi markets are the place to do your deal of the decade. Fortunately or unfortunately, the heat caught up with us all and we high tailed it back to the riad for the afternoon, although JJ and I did sneak off for a couple of hours and downed a few beers at Cosybar, a great place close to the Jewish quarters where the water spray on the terrace counts for absolutely everything even the devil stops in for an afternoon siesta on days such as these.

That evening the crew stopped in at La Tanjia, a great restaurant, again located close to the Jewish quarters, and one that has an outstanding view of the Koutaiba mosque and the sunset over the Atlas I love a damn good sunset....Marrakech did not let me down!

Kotouiba Mosque from Cosybar - Marrakech - Morocco

Kotouiba Mosque from Cosybar - Marrakech - Morocco

'Baby got back' - La Tanjia - Marrakech - Maroc

15 JUL - into the High Atlas

A full day after arriving in Marrakech and carting a travelling crew still coming to terms with the Marrakechi onslaught a couple of nights earlier, we decided to spend a day in the High Atlas. The intention being to discover it's secrets, of kasbahs crumbling, of mountains coloured in red, green, yellow and blue, of fertile valleys and of hidden hillside villages.
We struck out from Marrakech at just after 8am and headed south-east generally for approximately 50-60kms. It was at that point that we started the climb into the mountains, and also at that point that I discovered exactly why the mystique and mysterious place that this mountain range had held in my mind for so long was warranted. Climbing up alongside mountain villages that were centuries old and marvelling at the skill and ingenuity of the people to work with the simple materials they had available, I was also caught off guard by how beautiful the landscape was. The place was absolutely engaging, the mountains were colours of red, green, yellow and blue, all indicating how mineral rich the area actually is.

On the way up to Tizin Tichka pass - Atlas Mountains - Morocco

Climbing higher into the mountains we transitioned through the highest pass in Morocco, the Tizin tichka Pass at 2260 meters. How disappointing for our little pansy Mt.Kosciousko, to be topped out at 2228, the highest point in Australia, comparatively only being regarded as a 'quaint terrace' in these parts.

Dad on Tizin Tichka pass - Atlas Mountains - Morocco

First stop of the morning was the Telouet Kasbah, a place now owned by the Pacha of Marrakech but one that had also fallen into ruin and disrepair for either lack of money or consideration. From what we were told the kasbah had been around for something like 300 years. Despite its neglect there were some rooms that were well preserved and had that typical style of Muslim design that always leaves you in awe at the intricacy, craftsmanship and levels of detail in the work. The several rooms that we walked through took almost 80 years in their own right to complete and from what we saw none of us would challenge the fact that the time had actually been put to good use, they were marvels in their own right.

Telouet Kasbah - Atlas Mountains - Maroc

Telouet Kasbah - Atlas Mountains - Maroc

Telouet Kasbah

Telouet Kasbah

Pushing on into the Dades Valley ,(The Valley of 1000 Kasbahs), after visiting the Kasbah we were treated to stunning sights nearly at every turn. A river runs through the bottom of the valley meaning that on either side of the river there are distinct strips of green which standout distinctly and in stark contrast to the barren but beautiful mountains that surround it. What's more, with each turn there was a new villages that we encountered, built into the side of the mountains with materials common to the valley. They blended in perfectly with the landscape and had distinct Berber features which were totally foreign to my eyes. It really felt like you were stepping onto a movie set, and if we were to work the six degrees angle on that theory then I'd have to add that we were also driving on a road that Brad Pitt paid to have built, or rather 'reworked' - or so our driver Asiz told us.

The Dades Valley - Atlas Mountains - Morocco

The Dades Valley - Atlas Mountains - Morocco

The Dades Valley - Atlas Mountains - Morocco

Our final stop of the day was the Kasbah of Ait Benhaddoud. A four century old fortress that had been as a backdrop in many a movie, it's most recent being the Prince of Persia. By the time we arrived the sun had obviously become a little angry and was hitting somewhere around the 45 degree mark. Strangely, unlike at home, the heat here is a little easier to accept as it doesn't have it's sidekick, 'humidity', to back up its potetency.

Ait Benhaddoud - Atlas Mountains - Morocco

Realising their own limitations, mum and dad camped out in the cool of an air conditioned cafe for a while whilst JJ and I crossed the bone dry wadi, searing with African heat, to get to the main walls of the Kasbah...and true enough, the place was breathtaking. Another one of those strikingly unique buildings that you find difficult to comprehend, not just for it's size and scope but also for it's location, age, and the manpower it would have taken to construct it. No wonder that it's a World Heritage listed structure.

Ait Benhaddoud - Atlas Mountains - Morocco

Ait Benhaddoud - Atlas Mountains - Morocco

Making our way back to the cafe, my parents questioned JJ and I on our sanity - but at the end of the day, getting out on a 45 degree day is just what 'hard people' like us do, 'soft people' could never understand that sort of mentality! Crashing back into our van and blasting the AC for a while both JJ and I quickly realised that sometimes being soft also = being smart!

A little while after visiting Ait Benhaddoud we exited the valley and made a right hand turn onto bitumen about 20kms NE of Ourazazate (a place that is called the ' Gateway to the Sahara'). Cutting through the High Atlas once again, I kind of daydreamed my way back to Marrakech, waking up to catch snippets of brazenly coloured mountains, sheer cliff drops and strangely built villages hanging precariously on mountain slopes. It had taken me 35 years to make my way to the Atlas mountains and I have to say, the mystery and mystique that had been built up over the years in my head until now more than just survives intact, it feels as though it's been amplified by what I had been fortunate enough to see on this until we meet on another day High Atlas,farewell.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Marrakech - Crash tackled by Marrakechi madness

Marrakech (Morocco)

13th of July

It's amazing to think that Africa is only 12kms away from Europe at its shortest point but in many ways it's more than just another world away. Making our way from Barcelona to Marrakech via Madrid took up the greater part of a day, but landing onto a continent that was foreign to most of us of course had us anticipating what it had to offer. As we disembarked from our 2hr flight from Madrid my Dad made the observation that this airport was somewhat different to the other more 'familiar' European airports that he was accumstomed to, there were no planes here - well ofcourse, other than the EasyJet flight that we had just jumped off.

The mini van had dropped us off at the top end of Djema El Fna, a square that in the early and late evening is completety filled with people watching the nightly entertainment, made up of acrobots, storytellers, snake charmers, musicians,henna artists, weird and wonderful eccentric types...and much...much more...then there's the food stands, set up right behind them, providing a backdrop to the artists of the square. A smoke filled area filled with bright lights and diners enjoying a whole range of Moroccan delicacies. The cacophany of sounds, smells and sights was a huge wall of senses that was just about to smack all four of us squarely in the face, but not just yet. As our luggage was transferred from the mini-van to a middle aged Moroccan man standing behind a very large metal wheel barrow I could see the comfort factor on my parents face shift from mild anticipation and excitement to anxiety. Everything that was familiar, all things that they could hang a hat of reality and recognition on was just about to be taken away. Just to top things off, I had warned them sometime agothat the square was also notorious for pick pockets and theives, now we were going to be walking right through its pulsating heart,the good, bad and ugly, warts and all.

Djemaa El Fna in full swing  - Marrakech - Morocco

Djemma El Fna - Marrakech - Morocco

As for JJ, little A.D.D. meerkat, I saw her eyes just light up with expectation and excitement. If a person had ever wanted to be transplanted into a place that was completely foreign and different to anything that they had experienced before, well, this was their chance - for JJ, her opportunity had arrived, go nuts girl!

Our thickly moustached Moroccan wheelbarrow porter and his support man stacked their transporting vehicle and than bounded out in front of us, heading down ....ave and skirting the edge of Djema El Fna. My Yugoslav parents looked like they had just 'checked out' for the moment. Not quite comprehending what was going on but still holding their bags tightly to their bodies whilst being accosted by then ongoings surrounding them. JJ's head was spinning from one smell, to a some type of new and strange sound, to bits and pieces of activity that were going on around her, and me, well I was mentally checking their capacity to take this all in and cool with it - I looked like my mum in particular was on the verge of hitting panic stations.

Rounding the outside of the square and dodging the majority of the 'people trafffic', we made our way up to Derb Dabachi.which is the road that our riad is located off. For some reason, which I'm still yet to discover, the pedestrian traffic on this thoroughfare is the equivalent to fighting your way to the bar on NYE in Sydney, a lesson in patience, dexterity and force. All of a sudden our personal space vanished, the 'road' closed in around us and our porters were reinforcing the warning that I had put to everyone 10 mins earlier, 'be very wary of your personal belongings!'.

Battling our way through the hordes of people wasn't our only point of conflict at this point, also attempting to fight their way through the tight crowd were motorbikes, donkeys pulling carts, horse drawn carriages and small taxis. Not only were my travelling crew having to check in with their own psyches in an attempt to rationalise the WTF scenario that was going on in their heads but they also needed to make sure that they were able follow the porters who were themselves battling to move through the mass of people and commotion whilst at the same time checking in on their personal belongings every 2 seconds.

Derb Dabachi and arrival madness - Marrakech - Morocco

As we moved down this glorified alley, men with promotional items for restaurants, hammam's, shops and all else were flinging flyers into our path and asking in that typically demanding Moroccan way to spend some time in establishments NOW - 'it's free to look - as they say.

For me personally, I was ok with my surroundings and I could see JJ was more than cool with it also but where I encountered my own personal flip out was for the well being off my parents, my mum in particular. Right at this point I could tell that her anxiety levels were through the roof and aside from teletransportation there was nothing I could do to correct the problem. Mental note - never travel with parents outside the safety of Europe again!!

After what felt like an eternity but in actual fact was probably less then twenty minutes, we turned right into a small, darkened alleyway. Immediately the anxiety that I owned on behalf of everyone else up until this point dissipated and I knew we were within striking distance of our accommodation. It was only later that I found out that the turn onto these very 'dodgy' looking back streets is where everyone else in the group went mental. Thoughts of Marrakechi madmen attacking us under the cloak of darkness and the misguided thoughts that nothing good or credible could ever exist within these crime riddled streets were apparently the pervading thoughts of everyone else. I recall mum asking in that more than concerned voice, 'Oh God, where are they taking us', and me saying, 'We're close now, it'll be fine, don't worry' my reassuring words were going to have any affect against the chaos and now impending danger that we now apparently faced.

Knocking on the door at #192 Derb Jdid, the lovely Briggite welcomed us in her typically French accent. As we walked into the central court of our riad all of us had to do a double take. The madness of the Moroccan streets had been totally shut out and we now found ourselves in a completely glorious and serene surrounding. Taking stock on the Morroccan lounges in the central court we all tried to settle our nerves and anxieties for whatever reason they had manifested. The smell of musk now filled the space around us and the vibes of some type of 'chilled desert lounge' music substituted the drums, horns and yelling that we had been in 2 minutes earlier.

Laying on the plush dark red and orange cushions, quietly sipping on the mint and sage tea that Briggite had prepared, staring at the candlelit lanters that surrounded us, the intensity of the prior 30mins was starting to feel like some type of lucid dream.

As Briggite took us around the riad, showed us our rooms and finally the stunning top floor terrace, we all took time to adjust, breathe and recalibrate.

Riad Boussa - Marrakech

Later in the evening we congregated on the terrace and lounged on the red and orange cushioned day beds located under a white canvas canopy. Appreciating the coolness of the evening and the soft breeze that made its way over the stone and concrete rooftops that surrounded us, we all looked up into the dark African night and chuckled at the collectiveexperience that we had just had. It had been a complete attack on our senses, uncomfortable for some, astounding for others. Now we sat in the middle of Marrakech on the first night of our visit to this North African country - welcome to Morocco my friends!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Barcelona - Iniesta...Goooooooaaaaalllllll!!!!!!!!!

Barcelona (Spain)


8th - 12th July

Spain have had their fair share of opportunities but Holland  definitely had the most clear cut chance in the game with Robben breaking through one one one with Casillas and attempting to place the ball just on his right. Casillas takes an even money bet by diving one way and stretching out his legs, the ball clips his boots and goes sailing out over the goal line. If ever there was a turning point in a game then from what I know, that would have been it. The Temple Stone bar breathes a sigh of relief, their heroes live to fight in a debutant's title fight.

As the game ticks on past the standard 90 mins and heads into extra time the eyes of Spaniards and ring-ins alike are glued to all available TV's. The Spanish have had the greater proportion of the possession, have had the fairer share of the play and have not taken to chopping down their opponents the way the Dutch have. Conversely the Dutch appear to be just hanging on in a game which they feel that they have a divine right to win after being denied in two previous attempts,(West Germany '74) and (Argentina '78). Ticking over the 100 min mark and with the referee being yellow card trigger happy in a game that I think was officiated in a very average manner, Dutch left back Jonhnny Heitinger collects his second yellow of the match and gets marched. He'll more than likely get to watch the rest of the match later in retirement when he shows his grand children that he did actually play in a World Cup final  and also shows them that he was one of a small band of brothers that also got sent off.
[Heitinga foul - second yellow]
At the Temple Stone bar JJ and I are intently staring at the screen. My dad is chatting tactics with me and saying that whilst he thinks the Spanish deserve the win the Dutch will more than likely take it out if match goes to penalties. My mum is watching the game through Heinekin filled eyes, chatting with our Israeli and Swedish friends who are also barracking for Spain as much as we are. The seconds role on, each Spanish chance getting met with screams, hands on heads and large cries of 'Ooooh'.
Fernando Torres, having been a little out of form in coming back from injury gets the ball on the left hand wing in the 117th minute. He places a ball into Cesc Fabregas, another player that had been out of favour with the coach but has made an appearance in this final, his duty now to become either a goal scorer or provider. Accepting the ball from Torres on the edge of the box he looks left and sees Iniesta open. A diagonal pass to Iniesta just inside the box puts the crowd in Temple Stone onto their feet again. Iniesta beats his man with a run that may have had a touch of offside about it (but on review I've founded it to be perfectly timed), the crowd in the bar start screaming for a shot and Iniesta swings his right foot at the ball. It flies diagonally across the penalty box beating the Dutch keeper and hitting the back of the net on the right side.

All of Spain screams in unison!!!

Temple Stone Bar - Barri Gotic - Barcelona

JJ in support of the Spanish - Temple Stone Bar - Barri Gotic - Barcelona

After 117 minutes of tension and stress the relief and joy expressed at that moment is something to behold. Being a bandwagon Spanish supporter for this World Cup I'm up with them, screaming my lungs out and enjoying the moment in the type of way that only a native could truly understand. I mean I get it though, back in 2005 when I was at the game where Aloisi hit the back of the net in that fateful penalty shoot out the emotion that was released in that single instant was 32 years of dreams, broken hearts and hope. This for Spain was 80 years of under achievement, of having the game, having the players, and just not delivering when it mattered. It was all that and it was a hell of a lot more for the Spanish, and to experience that, to be part of it when they also became a World Cup winner for the first time, one of only 7 others, was an experience that I had hoped for and one now that I'll now never forget.

High fives, 'Espana chants', 'Campeones chants', waving of scarves, flags, shirts, and this was only the bar. My parents, JJ and myself hung around to watch Spain lift the trophy and then had to get out amongst the Barcelona home town crowd in order to experience one of the best nights of their lives.

Walking up Las Ramblas, fighting our way up slowly to Plaza Catalunya, there was red and yellow everywhere. At one intersection their were people on lamp posts, bus stops, magazine stores, whatever the hell they could do in order to get elevated and wave their flag. Standing on the corner of Las Ramblas and another street all you could hear were vuvuzuelas and the cry of 'Campeones'. I managed to stand on a bin and lent up against a traffic post in order to swing around my newly purchased Espana scarf. Whilst I was 'giving it some' in honour and in aid of the Spanish victory the crowd spread out before more  and in front of me. Barcelona was already a 'good vibe' city but now it had reached 'beserker city limits'.

JJ and I walked up to Plaza Catalunya via Las Ramblas, people weaving in and out of each other, kind of in half amazement and shock. Finally getting up to the Plaza and taking a look around, it was literally people, flags and scarves for as far as you could see.The area around the Plaza which at anytime of day and night was normally filled with all sorts of traffic was now a swarm of Spaniards celebrating an epic moment in their sporting history. To witness the people, their good spirit and vibes was something that I'll always remember, it was an absolutely fantastic experience.

Victory celebrations - Plaza Catalunya - Barcelona

Fountain Climbers - Plaza Catalunya - Barcelona

Victory celebrations - Plaza Catalunya - Barcelona

JJ with Prancing Pedro - Plaza Catalunya - Barcelona

Prancing Pedro doing his thang - Plaza Catalunya

The days leading up to July 11th...

In the few days prior to the World Cup final JJ had made her way via a flight that had taken her from Sydney to Shangai, Paris and then finally to Barcelona on somewhat of an epic 37hr journey. Waiting at Barcelona airport for JJ to arrive I witness a somewhat tired and mentally challenged girl make her first tentative steps into a vibrant city.

That evening the plan was to keep JJ up and about for as long as possible so we could get her into the swing of the timezone. This planned involved a wonderful evening view of the city of Barcelona and a cocktail or several to accompany the brutal jet lag hangover. I think for the most part our plan worked a treat, keeping JJ swinging until about midnight at which point her batteries gave the big FU signal and termination of all life seemed imminent. Round one, JJ vs. Barcelona nightlife went to Barcelona, but that was OK, this wasn't going to be a sprint my friends.

The next day JJ and I made our way down to the beach at Barcelonetta, (San Sebastian), had ourselves a few drinks and  checked out the beach talent, which in some areas made for some amusing viewing, especially the guys that were 'on display' trying to get their 'massive on' to a viewing audience that comprised mainly of old times, grandma's and youngish mothers who may have been wondering where their better days were. Either way, it wasn't the style of audience that they were particularly seeking.

A little further down the beach was the Port Olympico, full of bars and restaurants which were kind of cool but unfortunately didn't have the exact vibe that it could have had without the car park fronting one side of the bar front. Never the less, cocktails in the Mediterranean sun was too good an offer to pass up and settled the afternoon account for us perfectly.

Waking up in Barcelona...

...has been an experience that we've become accustomed to, but seeing it through the eyes of a newbie reminded me of how I viewed the place just a couple of weeks ago. Having a coffee, watching the wondering crowds meander in the little corner of the world we inhabited was just the tonic for starting up the engines. On this day JJ and I kicked off proceedings by making our way up to Montjuic, a hill/mountain on the south side of the city that has absolutely stunning views. We then proceeded to jump the cable car across the Port and then wondered back through the Gothic area for a few hours, quite an easy thing to do when you have bar, after bar, after bar that are all brilliant and enticing.

View of Barcelona from Port cable car

Flamenco - Barcelona

.....Which brings us up to World Cup day, and the Spanish date with destiny. Wondering the Gothic quarter and watching all the people prepare themselves for what was possibly going to be a mammoth evening was simply exciting in itself. Watching Spaniards and foreigners alike pick up supporters gear for the 'roja' kind of put us in a position where we felt obligated to join in on the action. Without a lot of prompting JJ and I picked up a Spanish flag and scarf , then set out for some alcoholic amusement before game time.

....and so it was, on the 11th of July at sometime approaching midnight a little Spaniard swung his right foot at a ball and cracked a goal on a Johannesburg field that sent a nation into raptures, Iniesta...goooooaaaallllllll!!!!!


Spain: Campeones futball mundial 2010 - Vamos Espana!

Lounging at Port Olympico - Barcelona

Face the sun

Giving it some in honour of the Spanish cause
Las Ramblas - Barcelona

Victory celebrations on Las Ramblas - Barcelona

Victory celebrations on Las Ramblas - Barcelona

Victory celebrations on Las Ramblas - Barcelona

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Barcelona - Spain 1 - Germany 0....'Barcelona MENTAL'

Barcelona (Spain)
5th-7th of July

The perennial under achievers, the fiesty little cousins of the power European footballing nations has finally managed to pull a rabbit out of their jugs of sangria and rallied to railroad the well oiled, (...urggh...just had an alarming vision of an oiled German football team in the change rooms), mannschaft. A very controlled display by the Spanish last night and they didn´t provide too many  opporunities for the German side to get onto a roll and break from their lines quickly.

As for our viewing station, well the parents and I set up shop at the Temple Bar in the middle of the Barri Gotic, where else but an Irish bar to watch the Spanish trounce the Germans. Have got to say, have always wanted to be in a country as they make their way through to the finals of the World Cup and I kind of had the feeling months ago when I booked this little escapade that this might have been the result. Sometimes a plan just comes together. It´s kind of amusing to witness the euphoria after a win and then see it carefully translate into expectation and then tension right before the next team game.

For right now, there´s only one more game possible, the World Cup final on July 11th. It´s been 32 years since the last time two teams have met in a final that hadn´t won it previously - that was Argentina v. Holland back in 1978. From a neutral perspective I always love seeing a new country make the final, so for me this more than a for the experience, well, I have to say Vamos Espana. Here are a few shots from last night!

Checking out the game at the Temple Bar - Barri Gotic - Barcelona

Had to climb a lamp post to get the shot - even a short ass like me has ways!

´Get your World Cup final on!´ - Las Ramblas - Barcelona

Las Ramblas - Barcelona

Aside from catching the World Cup action last night we also managed to do a few typically touristy things the last few days, that´s after we´ve managed to get up and stumble around our apartment for a few hours. Not sure whether it´s the climate, the alcohol or some other combination of factors but usually we´re heading out the door sometime after noon. That´s still kind of valid, right?

The day before the night of the Spanish conquest we walked from our apartment on Carrer Ample to the Port Vell cable car. Swinging something like 75mtrs above the old harbour the cable car links Montjuic mountain to the beach of San Sebastia and the area of Barcelonetta. Without writing too much more today as I´ve got people to do, places to see, have added some shots taken from the cable car and the mountain...catch you all real soon :)

The beaches of Barcelona from the port cable car

The cable car over the port

View back into Barcelona from the cable car

View of the disco dildo (Torre Agbar) from the cable

Dad getting use to ´Barcelona style´ - Montjuic mountain

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Barcelona - Babylon

Bitch of a song cost me 40 Euros!

Barcelona (Spain)
03 JUL - 04 JUL

After a few days in Madrid and additionally throwing myself into the mix in Barcelona I'm finding that my Spanish is starting to come on reasonably well. I mean I'm not pulling off any suave pick up lines ....AS YET....but I'm being understood. It's kind of amusing pulling off a line and actually hearing yourself in a language that's not your mother tongue and then waiting for the acknowledgment to register on the face of your intended target. You're facing the litmus test every time you open your mouth, but I guess that's part of the fun. Sometimes you get it wrong and then they respond with a weird look and the word 'como', which is like a polite way of saying, 'Dude, WTF!!?'

On the 3rd of July my parents and I scouted  the area around where we've been based for the last few days, Barri Gotic. The term of Barri Gotic refers to a number of streets around the main cathedral which have many buildings of medieval origin. The 'streets' around the area are really rather large lane ways, surrounded by particularly old buildings, although a majority of them would have been built sometime between the 1800s-1900's. Walking around the area definitely provides  a type of charm which can only be categorised as old style Mediterranean. There are now of course many bars and restaurants in the area which draws tourists and locals alike right throughout the day and late, late into the darkness of the night and early morning. The street that I'm staying on, Carrer Ample, is located basically at the base of a 'triangle' which forms the Barric Gotic, the base being the port, one supporting side being Las Ramblas, the apex Plaza Catalunya and the other side being Calle Atocha.

We walked through the Gothic area for a few hours and I managed to stumble into a plaza that I was trying to locate on my last excursion to Barcelona back in 2008. Unfortunately I forget the name of the plaza (well, until just now, Plaza de Sant Felip Neri), but in the plaza exists a rather sombre reminder of  Spain's dark history during the Civil War years in which  a wall of one of the churches within the square is absolutely riddled with bullet holes. Asking around we found out that the wall was basically used as a backdrop for firing squads, a place where Franco nationalist forces massacred supporters of the Republican movement. A strangely quitet and haunting place for the most part, and strangely, eerily beautiful all in the same breath.

Streets of the Barri Gotic - Barcelona

Plaza de Sant Felip Neri - Barri Gotic - Barcelona

Entry to the Plaza de Sant Felip Neri - Barri Gotic - Barcelona

After a few hours back at the apartment Dad and I dropped down to Bar 32 on the Carrer Ample to watch the Germany v.Argentina quarter final. To our surprise and my mild disappointment Argentina didn't put up much of a fight. They received a fairly cheap goal early on in the first half and then were basically placed in a position where they were chasing the game right from the outset. They did have a decent period of play in the second half and looked quite likely to equalise in the first 20 mins before Germany again breached their defence. Argentina crumbled after that point and went on to lose 4-0, not a particularly flattering scoreline for a team that looked to have the skill and capability of winning the World Cup this year.

Later in the evening I caught up with Ali and her friends, Haley and Georgia, for dinner and what turned out to be several drinks too many. For the past few weeks Ali had been mentioning that her friend Hayley was single, and perhaps, required some hot Serbian cabanossi for a while under the wonderful charms of the 'muy calor' Barcelona sun. I'm not sure what type of 'word' she put in for me but for that evening at least I was as 'charming' and as capable as I've 'sometimes' been known to be and at a certain point after dinner I thought for a moment , just a moment, that the wild long locks of Senor Elisher had done their trick in terms of the ever flowing force of expert flirtation. It appeared, perhaps within the context of my own drunken excesses, that the lovely Hayley could possibly have been a convert, well, that was until the sangria, mai tai's and all other forms of alcohol that I thought were being used to my advantage all of a sudden became 'the great unraveler' of all things nocturnally possible and good. Never the less, we did somehow manage to stumble on a bar that was by chance having a salsa night, and hey now, guess who has some solid Intermediate salsa moves these days! I took both Ali and Georgia for a bit of a spin, and to tell you the truth, it ended up being a lot of fun, a great night all round in the city of Gaudi - so thanks to the girls for being my minders for the night, even if I didn't end up minding one of them for the rest of the's always the return match in Sydney. I'll  be sure to get my protractor out and work on my angles before then!

Oh, what I did forget to add is that the girls and I kicked off with dinner at an Italian restaurant that night, not so much out of design but by way of haphazard fortune. We were actually looking for a place to watch the Spain v.Paraguay quarter final, of course a hugely anticipated event in Barcelona, not simply due to the fact that it was Spain playing but also for the fact that these guys are known to be perennial chokers, really, more so than Michael Hutchence. And for the first 2/3rd of the game it looked as though those magical world cup tendencies were coming back to haunt them. Paraguay received a penalty in about the 62nd minute and by some strange twist of fate did a Ghana on themselves and totally missed their God given opportunity to put themselves a goal up with just under 30 mins remaining. Unbelievably 1-2 mins later Spain also received a penalty and whist Piquet nailed the first shot, a few of the Spanish players had breached the line when the penalty was taken, meaning a retake. Taking the penalty once again was fatal and on this occasion Piquet crumbled, it was still a neutral 0-0 game with 25 mins left to play in regulation time. The crowd in the restaurant fell  deathly silent  at that point and it kind of reminded me of the eerie silence that graced ANZ stadium during the Australia v.Uruguay qualifier back in 2005. It was almost as if the collective conscience of the Spanish people were thinking, 'Oh great, we've just discovered a more creative and novel way to lose a game'.

As the game progressed the more I felt as though Spain were going to take this to penalties and of course find a creative way of 'fluffing it', but somehow, by some miracle, Spain managed to  breach the Paraguay defence via the brilliance of David Villa. The bridesmaid underachievers (Second in line on that ranking only to Holland) had made it to the final four and had now given themselves a chance of making it to the final dance. If it was 2008 then I wouldn't  hesitate in saying that the next game would be just a formality but Germany are looking formidable (well ever since their loss to SERBIA), and Spain, well for you I can say  that you can still take solace in the fact that you'll still play a final match of sorts after the semi, a 3rd/4th place play off against Uruguay is beckoning. Who knows though, I'd love for them to surprise me and themselves by getting past the panzer squad.

The next day the parents and I jumped onto an open top, hop-on/hop-off tourist bus in order to check out the city and set our eyes on a few of Barcelonas' more popular sites. Our first stop was The Temple of Sagrada Familia, a work that Gaudi dedicated himself to until the time of his death. The Sagrada Familia is a church (or cathedral) built in a very specific, unique Gothic style, designed by the world renowned architect Antoni Gaudi. The project which he commenced over a 120 years ago is still under construction, a work in progress if you will, and he himself only got to see a small portion of the project completed before he died. When I was in Barcelona last I did make a passing visit but only viewed the church from the outside. Aside from its sheer size and presence what strikes you on closer inspection is the intricacy and attention to detail on the facade of the building. Looking at the north and south facade from a distance ,it really threatens to deceive. Without paying attention to the detail of the building you could really pass it off as being quite kitsch but when you take to viewing the building section by section then you can only be in awe at how intricate and detailed the facades are. One side, the 'Nativity facade' has two elaborate columns between three doorways, each filled with sculptures of different symbolic significance. It's obviously an understatement to call it amazing but that's exactly what it is.

The 'Passion facade' on the south side of the building was built to illustrate the last week in Christ's life. It incorporates a range of highly moving and emotive sculptures that are supposedly reminiscent of the artists and sculptors of the expressionist school. In terms of personal preference this to me was the more significant side and had a greater impact in terms of the total impression. Aside from  its symbolism and representation of events, the sculptures themselves were fascinating and I had a real liking for the typical style used, i.e., strong angles, smooth lines, clear outlines and bold presence.

Passion facade - Sagrada Familia - Barcelona

Passion facade - Sagrada Familia - Barcelona

As I mentioned earlier, the last time I was in Barcelona I decided to skip making an entry inside the cathedral, I now know that this was a HUGE mistake. Walking into its interior ,what captures your attention are the enormous columns of different colours, green, rose, grey and white that tower 20 plus metres above your head and then branch out in the same manner that the branches of a tree would, in order to support the roof, which in turn looks like a forest canopy. Again, this too me was just completely amazing. The outside of the building just doesn't even provide a hint and what you'll find on the inside. As we were later to discover, much of Gaudi's inspiration for design and form came from nature. Once you started looking at the number of elements that went into making up the interior of this structure you can tell quite easily  as to where he derived his insipiration and how creatively he was able to translate it into such a magnificent design.

Spending a few hours at Sagrdia Familia was more than easy. We did manage to get to another Gaudi inspired destination further along the route of the day, a place named Parc Guell. This was a park constructed at the beginning of the 20th century by a patron to Gaudi, Count Guell. It was in fact a new city planning project that followed the model of English garden cities and at the same time is intimately and intentionally linked to the creative genious Gaudi since the park contains one of the houses that he occupied during the course of his life. The position of the park itself is also quite stunning, located on the west side of Barcelona, looking out over the city to the Mediterranean, the view is mesmerising and will be sure to place you into a trance like, contemplative state if you allow yourself to remain there for more than a few minutes.

Again, after wondering around the park for well over an hour we jumped back onto the bus and headed down to Port Vell and our apartment , the end of another huge day in Barcelona , a truly captivating city!

Nativity facade - Sagrada Familia - Barcelona

The Nativity facade - Sagrada Familia - Barcelona

Ali and I post sangria

Always work with the odds in your favour - time to salsa ladies!

My Barca minders - never know what can happen to a young man
in a foreign city...

View of Barcelona from Parc Guell

Parc Guell - Barcelona

Sagrada Familia interior

Sagrada Familia interior
