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Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Reloaded and strung out on Caffeine

Isn't it just a pain in the tail when you forget passwords, login id's, names, numbers or even where you live !? Really, our lifestyle and daily worth is instrinsically connected with little cryptic clues that trigger our capacity to sign into something that then gives us the capacity to access, perform, achieve and whatever else I can think of. In any case, the only reason I'm complaining is that I've had to do a 'Rocky II' and reload the 'Death By Caffeine' as blogger has been crafty enough to hide my password from any address or cryptic clue that I can remember. lecturer just said 'shit', is that allowed in a lecture ? A moot point really because what he is discussing is 'shit', connotation and denotation within the concept of constitutional interpretation. Speaking of which, I might just grab a quote whilst he's waxing lyrical about some particular ammendment, 'No solider shall in time of peace be courted in any house...owner...war' - ah, whatever huh, that's what I think also. Quote is incomplete due to disinterest.
OK, so this is really just an update for my own sake, to get me back on to the righteous path of blog glory.