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Thursday, October 11, 2007

Hanging out with Clarence

I've spent the last few weeks of my life kicking it with Clarence and more importantly taking shelter in his domain and on his street. I'm assuming that Clarence owns the property and the street was named in his honour, of course, I have never admitted to being anywhere near sane. I think the closest I got was back in April 2000 and there was a brief moment in October of 1994, some brilliant flashes in 1989 but outside of those timeframes, I've got nothing.
I don't feel compelled to discuss aspects of work at the moment, I can say the I'm scooting along swimmingly. As for Uni ? Three subjects hitting the 'red alert' radar by mid November, I should really be more stressed that I am, watch this space *space* ...go on, watch it and amuse me.
What to do , what to do ?
Well, I've got myself booked in for some Leyland Brothers galavanting in December with my partner in Sheesh and mentor in sarcasm, JC. Now this I'm looking forward to, if nothing else, for the assault on the senses that it will promise. In my current 32 years I've cruised through relatively economically robust countries and I'm looking forward to seeing areas that are a little less developed, a little more 'real' and somewhat more different to the stock European agenda that I've been on for sometime. The disappointing thing is that 2 weeks isn't a particularly substantial period of time to immerse yourself in the culture and get a real feel for life at it's base nuts & bolts level but I'll claim what I can. From the current agenda the highlight for me will be taking in Angkor Wat and doing a whistle stop tour of Cambodia. I don't really know why but as a child the stories of Pol Pot and Idi Amin always haunted the shadows of my historical and geographical interests. Maybe it's just the standard morbid fascination with the logic and reasoning that manifests itself in genocide through some type of warped ideological reasoning or maybe it's just a fascination with pure evil and how and why it can eventuate. I don't know, but Cambodia (Kampuchea) has always held a type of mythical place in my mind along with the ubiquitous Killing Fields that somehow represent whatever Cambodia is to me. I know viscerally that's not the case but as I've said, those well known ads for Cambodia keep popping into my head.
Where next then ? Well, I'm planning to put many miles up on the Elisher 'Flying Miles' scoreboard. I have solid plans for Morrocco, Portugal, Spain and France next year and at this moment in time December '08 has me drawn towards Gulmarg in Kashmir, although it's going to be a toss up between that or Chile/Argentina....but...if I go a year without snowboarding I don't feel like a 'real man', the argument of course being that I'm not, I'll leave that open to debate. Why all the travel ? Well, there's just too much to see and experience and not a hell of a lot of time to do it in. You never know how the cards will fall, so I'm raising and I dare anyone to call me - go on !!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Coffee, leg touches and every irritation in between.

Recently my life has become and endless cycle of work and study where paying tribute to the mundane would just be something too interesting. Indeed, it would be an achievment that flies in the face of deadlines, manufactured drama and bad breath. Still, on those wonderful mornings where I manage to get a few mins sleep on the ride to work, I manage to find things that irritate the living daylights out of me. Now, back in the day, I use to count how many girls I would have had sex with on the ride in (my record is 122 - I'm such a train slut). In any case, times have changed and my morning rage must be maintained. So here's my current list.
1. People that rush for their favoured seat: What the hell is that about ? You don't have a mortgage on on this piece of real estate, there's no change in the direction you're heading in. There are seats free everywhere and yet you need to sit in your one special place, every freakin day. Of course you know, my objective is to disrupt their safe, ritualistic journey. I often get looks of hatred when I've pulled the seat from right under pseudo custody.
2. Leg or arm touches: Urrggh - I hate this. Why oh why would I want to rub legs with anyone sitting next to me or have our arms touch just like we're the best of friends. I don't understand how anyone could be comfortable with this. It's not necessary, there's plenty of place to share, just let me have mine, you can have yours and we'll be all 'Cool and the Gang'. I once went shoulder to shoulder with one dude for 20 mins because he wouldn't budge, just because he 'assumed' he had real estate ownership of a two seater. This was some serious pressure and I'm sure both of us knew this was a challenge that we couldn't back down from. He did, 'loser' and finished off by rotating his shoulder a few times for effect. What an idiot !!
3. People that don't blow their nose: I've encountered some people that will just now blow their nose and are stoic in their decision to suck it up and make that God awful sound, not just once, not twice, but several times a minute. These people should be shot - seriously, I'd do it and I wouldn't shed a tear, I would even try my eye with a hanky.
4. Loud talkers: OK, not as bad as some of the others but again, it's not a concert or a bar, it's public transport and most people are on 'down time' either on their way into work or out. This just shows lack of respect and total ignorance of their environment. I'd love to walk into their bedroom whilst they were have their 'special' time and talk right through that.
5. Sneezers & Coughers: You're sick you Dilbert, stay at home and save me the drama of catching the crap that you have because your immune system is piss weak.
6. Loud music players: Nobody wants to listen to you playing Boston, 'More than a Feeling' at 45 on the Richter scale. Turn the freakin' thing down.
7. People that eat messy food: Kebabs, hamburgers, Chinese, garlic infused garlic. Damn, it's not a restaurant, I don't want your food over me nor do I want to smell it. There are places for you to do such things, can't you wait the 20+ mins to get home and eat or go out and eat, why on public transport ?

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Reloaded and strung out on Caffeine

Isn't it just a pain in the tail when you forget passwords, login id's, names, numbers or even where you live !? Really, our lifestyle and daily worth is instrinsically connected with little cryptic clues that trigger our capacity to sign into something that then gives us the capacity to access, perform, achieve and whatever else I can think of. In any case, the only reason I'm complaining is that I've had to do a 'Rocky II' and reload the 'Death By Caffeine' as blogger has been crafty enough to hide my password from any address or cryptic clue that I can remember. lecturer just said 'shit', is that allowed in a lecture ? A moot point really because what he is discussing is 'shit', connotation and denotation within the concept of constitutional interpretation. Speaking of which, I might just grab a quote whilst he's waxing lyrical about some particular ammendment, 'No solider shall in time of peace be courted in any house...owner...war' - ah, whatever huh, that's what I think also. Quote is incomplete due to disinterest.
OK, so this is really just an update for my own sake, to get me back on to the righteous path of blog glory.