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Friday, November 7, 2008

Marrakech - C.S.I

Marrakech (Morocco)

This is where it happened, this as they say was the location for the scene of the crime or of the unbelievable stupidity that unfolded, take your pick as to which you prefer there.

Mellah - The Jewish Quarter - Google Maps view - Marrakech - Morocco

Just to note, the bottom marker in this picture is irrelevant, the top marker is where my riad was located. Also note, the main street just above the riad is one way, the taxi that dropped me off did so at the t-intersection to the left of that marker. I essentially walked to the end of the street, and asked a few people where my riad was because obviously I didn't have any sort of clue as to where I was going. I made a very sharp left hand turn at the end of the road and stopped where the red X marks the spot. It was there that the Moroccan magician picked me out as his target of opportunism. I don't need to go into the how and when of what happened as I've already done that, needless to say, by the time I hit the blue X and Mr Copperfield had fled from the scene I was a man full of rage and Serbian madness (quite common for me I know).

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